
Case Studies

Ohio Living

About Ohio Living

Founded in 1922, Ohio Living is the largest and most experienced not-for-profit provider of life plan communities and services in Ohio. With headquarters in Columbus, we serve more than 73,000 people annually through its wholly owned subsidiaries Ohio Living Communities and Ohio Living Home Health & Hospice.

Ohio Living Communities operates 12 retirement communities. Ohio Living Home Health & Hospice provides home and community based services, operates two adult day centers and manages one senior center.

The Problem:

Due to the large number of communities they manage, Ohio Living was having difficulty maintaining the various sites for each retirement community. Each community is distinct, with their own events, staff, facilities, and it was necessary to build a system that would allow easy customization for specific communities. There also needed to be support for reviewing event registration, tour scheduling, and contact requests that were made for specific communities.

The Solution:

Switchbox was able to create an easy-to-manage site with our custom content management system (CMS). This solution made it very easy to house all of Ohio Living’s communities under one site and still allow each to have their own unique content. The Switchbox CMS enables Ohio Living to manage and maintain site content directly through the browser which greatly reduces the complexity and time investment to get staff up and running. This solution also made it very easy to keep a consistent style site-wide since components can be reused throughout the different communities.

The Results:

Since the site was deployed, Ohio Living has been keeping it up-to-date with new content and images through the CMS tool. We are very happy to have continued our partnership with Ohio Living and work with them to provide new features and functionality.

We have recently finished work on a new site for one of Ohio Living’s communities, also using our custom CMS tool.

The Technology & Services That Went Into Ohio Living

  • Custom CMS
  • Responsive Design
Ohio Living
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